Combat Corner Blog

The Beginner BJJ White Belt Guide

Written by Daniela Arceo | Dec 13, 2019 4:10:32 PM

This is a Guide for BJJ White Belts with everything they should know but No one talks about.

Are you stating in Jiu-Jitsu? Are you the newest BJJ White Belt at the gym?

Here are some tips and things no one tells you as a fresh BJJ White Belt but you should definitely know!

How to Tie my BJJ Belt?

This might be one of the most common questions everyone has when starting Jiu Jitsu and probably the one question everyone is afraid to ask.

It is not a big deal, ask your coach or any partner before or after class, I am sure they would be glad to help you,after all, everyone was a BJJ White Belt once, they had to ask the same questions and learn the same things.

If you are still unsure to ask, there are a ton of Youtube tutorials to help you

Click here to watch a tutorial on how to tie my belt>>

Mat Etiquette

Every Gym has their own set of rules and code of conduct, ask your coach if you did not receive a copy of that and/or it is not visible in your gym.

Common Mat Etiquette usually involves:

  • Shower every day and washing your Gi.
  • Trim your nails so you don’t hurt your partners
  • Say Hi to people
  • Some traditional gyms require you to ask for permission before you enter the mat (bow down)
  • If you have a skin infection DO NOT GO IN THE MAT.
  • No Food or Drinks in the mat area.

Rules and etiquette change a lot from BJJ Gym to BJJ Gym.

If you are ever visiting another Gym, make sure to look in the wall for the Code of Conduct or ask the instructor if you have questions.

The Higher Belt Dilemma

Some Gyms have rules regarding asking higher belts to roll with you. There is a good reason why.

However, if you want to learn from someone, don’t be afraid to respectfully ask for a roll or ask questions! You are there to learn.

If you ask respectfully, they would most likely roll with you.

When Do I get my Next Belt/Stripe?

The average time for someone to get a Black belt is 9-12 years, so don’t rush it.

Usually, stripes and belts come with mat time, competition and loyalty/ teamwork

I know you are excited and you want to get the ball rolling. As cliche as it sounds, concentrate on learning and on the BJJ journey. The belt only holds your pants.

Click here to Shop for Pants Holders, I mean Jiu Jitsu Belts>>

Can I compete yet?

I believe it is never too soon to compete. Competing is an awesome learning experience! I had my first tournament when I had only 2 or 3 months of training and I learned a lot from it!

Ask your coach what tournament they are getting ready for, and if your coach thinks it is a good idea, Go for it and compete!

If you are in the Milwaukee Area, Check out MB Grappling Tournaments! They are always a Blast!

Click here to Go to MB Grappling Website>>


How Do I treat my BJJ Gi?

Here a Guide on How to choose your Dream BJJ Gi>>

When you have your New Gi, how do you wash it and dry it?

A common mistake is to wash your Gi and dry it multiple times or all the time in the Dryer.

You should dry your Gi in a dryer ONLY if it is large on you, most of the Gi fabrics are designed to shrink, so avoid the dryer if your Gi fits well.

Pro Tip: How to take out the bad smell? Add 1/4 cup of vinegar and soap to your Gi load to take that stink out.

Buy The Best BJJ Gi’s Here>>

Gassing out.

Your first BJJ classes will be exhausting, I’ve seen a lot of people throw up on their first classes or first few rolls out of exhaustion.

This is because you might be using too much strength to control your body movements, movements that your body is not yet used to do.

Give it time and drills and you will feel better in a few months!


**Do you have any other Questions or Topics every white belt should know? Tells us in the comments below**